![]() You know if you are a disciple of Jesus Christ or not. You know which path your are on (broad or narrow - Matt 7:13-14). There is no wondering or hoping one is a disciple, it is clearly known. No one wonders if they are learning how to play an instrument or how to speak a foreign language. If you are a student of art, music, photography, sports, or technology, you don't doubt that you love, follow and grow in these devotions. You may question your level of discipleship, but not the fact you are learning. So ask yourself, "Am I a disciple of Jesus Christ? Do I listen to Him, learn from Him and live as He directs me to live?" If you say, "I don't know," then your answer is "No" and you need to recommit your life to Him. If your answer is, "Yes" then read your Bible, go to church and join a small group for this is what faithful disciples do, we learn His teachings so we can live them out. >>> You either are a disciple of Jesus or you are not. You are either on the narrow road or the broad road. You are either with Jesus or without him
![]() Jesus did not suggest we enter at the narrow gate, this is a command to all who hear him (Matt 7:13a). We have a decision to make. Will we enter, will we obey, will we become Jesus' apprentices and be with Him? You cannot drift into a relationship with Jesus. Discipleship, obedience to Jesus Christ, walking the narrow way does not just happen. Simply calling yourself a Christian (putting on a label), attending church, reading a bible, saying prayers or trying to be a good person doesn't make one a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. You must intentionally decide to make Jesus your teacher and the director of your life, seeking every day to hear and obey his commands. >>> You either are a disciple of Jesus or you are not. You are either on the narrow road or the wide road. You are either with Jesus or without him. ![]() When Jesus told his listeners to "Enter through the narrow gate," (Matt 7:13), they were not stuck at a crossroads. There is no crossroads. You are either intentionally obeying Jesus, following the narrow path or you are on the wide road that leads to destruction. Jesus, out of unimaginable mercy, opens the gate and calls us to the narrow path that leads to life. We must choose. To not choose is to stay on the, comfortable, broad road. >>> You either are a disciple of Jesus or you are not. You are either on the narrow road or the broad road. You are either with Jesus or without him |
I can plod. I can persevere in any definite pursuit. To this I owe everything.
- William Carey AuthorMy name is Tim Kirkes. I am honored to be the a child of my heavenly Father, the husband of Lisa, the father of two boys and the pastor of San Dimas Wesleyan church. Archives
March 2019